
0, 2018 için arşiv

Excel dosyasından veri oku

Cumartesi, 31 Mar 2018 yorum yok







devamını oku…

Categories: C# Tags: ,

Tasarım Desenleri ve Mimarileri

Pazartesi, 26 Mar 2018 yorum yok
Categories: bestURL, C# Tags: ,

Sql Takvim

Pazartesi, 19 Mar 2018 yorum yok
 create procedure spCalendar
     --draw a calendar as a result set. you can specify the month if you wwant
     @Date datetime=null--any date within the month that you want to calendarise.
     For Novermber 2013 it gives...
     Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat  Sun
     ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
                         1    2    3 
     4    5    6    7    8    9    10
     11   12   13   14   15   16   17
     18   19   20   21   22   23   24
     25   26   27   28   29   30
     eg. spCalendar '1 Jan 2006'
     Execute spCalendar '1 sep 2013'
     Execute spCalendar '1 nov 2013'
     Execute spCalendar '28 feb 2008'
     Execute spCalendar '1 mar 1949'
     Execute spCalendar '10 jul 2020'
     Set nocount on
     --nail down the start of the week
     Declare @MonthLength int --number of days in the month
     Declare @MonthStartDW int --the day of the week that the month starts on
     --if no date is specified, then use the current date
     Select @Date='01 '+substring(convert(char(11),coalesce(@date,GetDate()),113),4,8)
     --get the number of days in the month and the day of the week that the month starts on
     Select @MonthLength=datediff(day,convert(char(11),@Date,113),convert(char(11),DateAdd(month,1,@Date),113)),
     @MonthStartDW=((Datepart(dw,@date)+@@DateFirst-3) % 7)+1
     [Mon]=max(case when day=1 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end),
     [Tue]=max(case when day=2 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end),
     [Wed]=max(case when day=3 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end),
     [Thu]=max(case when day=4 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end),
     [Fri]=max(case when day=5 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end),
     [Sat]=max(case when day=6 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end),
     [Sun]=max(case when day=7 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end)
     (--roll out the day number and week number so you can then do a pivot table of the results
     Select [day]=DayNo.Number, [week]=Weekno.number,
     [monthDate]=(DayNo.Number + ((Weekno.number-1)*7))-@MonthStartDW
     from (VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7)) AS DayNo(number)
     cross join 
      (VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6)) AS Weekno(number)
     group by [week]--so that each week is on a different row
     having max(case when day=1 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then monthdate else 0 end)>0
     or (week=1 and sum(MonthDate)>-21)
     --take out any weeks on the end without a valid day in them!



Categories: SQL Hakkında Tags: ,


Perşembe, 15 Mar 2018 yorum yok
	WebProxy oWebProxy = new WebProxy(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProxyAddress"])
		Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

	string url = "htt://";
	var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
	req.Proxy = oWebProxy;
	req.Method = "GET";

	var resp = req.GetResponse();
	var outStream = resp.GetResponseStream();
	string output = "";
	using (StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(outStream))
		output = rdr.ReadToEnd();
catch (Exception ex)


Categories: C# Tags: