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Cumartesi, 31 Mar 2018
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create procedure spCalendar --draw a calendar as a result set. you can specify the month if you wwant @Date datetime=null--any date within the month that you want to calendarise. /* For Novermber 2013 it gives... Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 eg. spCalendar '1 Jan 2006' Execute spCalendar '1 sep 2013' Execute spCalendar '1 nov 2013' Execute spCalendar '28 feb 2008' Execute spCalendar '1 mar 1949' Execute spCalendar '10 jul 2020' */ as Set nocount on --nail down the start of the week Declare @MonthLength int --number of days in the month Declare @MonthStartDW int --the day of the week that the month starts on --if no date is specified, then use the current date Select @Date='01 '+substring(convert(char(11),coalesce(@date,GetDate()),113),4,8) --get the number of days in the month and the day of the week that the month starts on Select @MonthLength=datediff(day,convert(char(11),@Date,113),convert(char(11),DateAdd(month,1,@Date),113)), @MonthStartDW=((Datepart(dw,@date)+@@DateFirst-3) % 7)+1 Select [Mon]=max(case when day=1 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end), [Tue]=max(case when day=2 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end), [Wed]=max(case when day=3 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end), [Thu]=max(case when day=4 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end), [Fri]=max(case when day=5 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end), [Sat]=max(case when day=6 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end), [Sun]=max(case when day=7 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then convert(char(2),monthdate) else '' end) from (--roll out the day number and week number so you can then do a pivot table of the results Select [day]=DayNo.Number, [week]=Weekno.number, [monthDate]=(DayNo.Number + ((Weekno.number-1)*7))-@MonthStartDW from (VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7)) AS DayNo(number) cross join (VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6)) AS Weekno(number) )f group by [week]--so that each week is on a different row having max(case when day=1 and monthdate between 1 and @MonthLength then monthdate else 0 end)>0 or (week=1 and sum(MonthDate)>-21) --take out any weeks on the end without a valid day in them!
Kaynak: https://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk/sql/learn-sql-server/robyn-pages-sql-server-datetime-workbench/
try { WebProxy oWebProxy = new WebProxy(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProxyAddress"]) { Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials }; string url = "htt://www.yakupkalebasi.com/"; var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); req.Proxy = oWebProxy; req.Method = "GET"; var resp = req.GetResponse(); var outStream = resp.GetResponseStream(); string output = ""; using (StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(outStream)) { output = rdr.ReadToEnd(); } Response.Write(output); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message); }