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SQL Server Data Types and Their .NET Framework Equivalents

Perşembe, 24 Kas 2016 yorum ekle yorumlara git
SQL Server data type     CLR data type (SQL Server)  CLR data type (.NET Framework)  
varbinary                SqlBytes, SqlBinary         Byte[]  
binary                   SqlBytes, SqlBinary         Byte[]  
varbinary(1), binary(1)  SqlBytes, SqlBinary         byte, Byte[] 
image                    None                        None
varchar                  None                        None
char                     None                        None
nvarchar(1), nchar(1)    SqlChars, SqlString         Char, String, Char[]     
nvarchar                 SqlChars, SqlString         String, Char[] 
nchar                    SqlChars, SqlString         String, Char[] 
text                     None                        None
ntext                    None                        None
uniqueidentifier         SqlGuid                     Guid 
rowversion               None                        Byte[]  
bit                      SqlBoolean                  Boolean 
tinyint                  SqlByte                     Byte 
smallint                 SqlInt16                    Int16  
int                      SqlInt32                    Int32  
bigint                   SqlInt64                    Int64 
smallmoney               SqlMoney                    Decimal  
money                    SqlMoney                    Decimal  
numeric                  SqlDecimal                  Decimal  
decimal                  SqlDecimal                  Decimal  
real                     SqlSingle                   Single  
float                    SqlDouble                   Double  
smalldatetime            SqlDateTime                 DateTime  
datetime                 SqlDateTime                 DateTime 
sql_variant              None                        Object  
User-defined type(UDT)   None                        user-defined type     
table                    None                        None 
cursor                   None                        None
timestamp                None                        None 
xml                      SqlXml                      None
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