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Html Barkod

Perşembe, 01 Oca 2015 yorum ekle yorumlara git

// JavaScript BarCode39 v. 1.0 (c) Lutz Tautenhahn, 2005
// The author grants you a non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use,
// modify and redistribute this software.
// This software is provided "as is", without a warranty of any kind.

string Chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. *$/+%";
string[] Codes = {
string[] BarPic = { "", "" };

private string Code39(string theX, string theY, int theBarHeight, int theFontHeight, string theBarCodeText, int theBarCodeSize)
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    string position = string.Empty;
    string fontStyle = string.Empty;
    int barCodeSize = 1;

    if (theBarCodeSize > 0)
        barCodeSize = Convert.ToInt32(theBarCodeSize);

    if (barCodeSize == null)
        barCodeSize = 1;

    if (barCodeSize < 1)
        barCodeSize = 1;

    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(theX) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(theY))
        position = "position:absolute;left:" + theX + ";top:" + theY + ";";

    if (theFontHeight > 4 && (theBarHeight >= 2 * theFontHeight))
        fontStyle = "style=\"font-size:" + theFontHeight + "px;font-family:Verdana;\"";

        stringBuilder.Append("<div style=\"" + position + "font-size:" + theFontHeight + "px;font-family:Verdana;\">");
        stringBuilder.Append("<table noborder=\"\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
        stringBuilder.Append("<td rowspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\">" + CodePics("*", theBarHeight, barCodeSize) + "</td>");

        for (int i = 0; i < theBarCodeText.Length; i++)
            stringBuilder.Append("<td>" + CodePics(theBarCodeText.Substring(i, 1), theBarHeight - theFontHeight - 1, barCodeSize) + "</td>");

        stringBuilder.Append("<td rowspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\">" + CodePics("*", theBarHeight, barCodeSize) + "</td>");

        for (int i = 0; i < theBarCodeText.Length; i++)
            stringBuilder.Append("<td align=\"center\" " + fontStyle + ">" + theBarCodeText.Substring(i, 1) + "</td>");

        stringBuilder.Append("<div style=\"" + position + "\"><table noborder=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
        stringBuilder.Append("<td>" + CodePics("*", theBarHeight, barCodeSize) + "</td>");

        for (int i = 0; i < theBarCodeText.Length; i++)
            stringBuilder.Append("<td>" + CodePics(theBarCodeText.Substring(i, 1), theBarHeight, barCodeSize) + "</td>");

        stringBuilder.Append("<td>" + CodePics("*", theBarHeight, barCodeSize) + "</td>");

    return stringBuilder.ToString();

private string CodePics(string theChar, int theHeight, int theSize)
    string retVal = "";
    string cc = "9";
    int counter = Chars.IndexOf(theChar);

    if (counter >= 0)
        cc = Codes[counter];

    for (counter = 0; counter < cc.Length; counter++)
        retVal += "<img src=\"" + BarPic[counter % 2] + "\" width=\"" + ((Convert.ToInt32(cc.Substring(counter, 1)) * (3 * theSize - theSize % 2) - theSize + theSize % 2) / 2) + "\" height=\"" + theHeight + "\">";

    retVal += "<img src=\"" + BarPic[counter % 2] + "\" width=\"" + theSize + "\" height=\"" + theHeight + "\">";

    return (retVal);
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